Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Shed the Pounds
Losing weight and taking control of your health doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming; it just takes a little bit of extra thought and some dedication to improving your lifestyle habits. Besides, when you look good you feel good too.
Losing weight can make a huge difference in your life by not only improving your confidence level but by also providing a ton of additional health benefits. If you're not sure on how to start losing weight, then the below weight loss tips may help you.
Why Fad Diets Don't Work
Losing weight can be difficult: you struggle through difficult diets and exercise routines until you finally reach your goal. You use extreme willpower to resist cravings and struggle over plateaus to drop the excess pounds. However, as hard as it is to lose weight, it is even more difficult to keep it off.
The majority of people who lose weight from "fad diets" and from diets that cause you to lose weight quickly usually gain the weight right back in a relatively short period of time.
Diets like the cabbage soup diet or maple syrup diet may cause you to lose weight quickly, but once you quit the diet and start eating normal food again your body will go into survival mode and start hoarding the calories. As a result of the survival mode your body enters, you will gain back all of the weight you lost.
The same is true for extremely low-calorie diets. These types of diets are extremely hard to follow in the long term because they are so restrictive. Most people do not have the willpower to consume only 1,200 calories per day, and when they begin to eat more the body turns that food into fat, as if it were storing up for the winter!
Best Foods for Weight Loss
There is no simple way to effortlessly lose weight. Trimming off the pounds and getting your body in shape can be a difficult challenge that requires eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. In short, losing weight requires endurance, willpower, and commitment. Luckily there are a few secrets that can help with your weight loss.
One of the secrets is that there are foods that can actually help with your weight loss. However, do not be mistaken, these foods aren't miracle workers. If you really want to effectively lose weight, you'll still have to work hard to reach your goals by exercising regularly. These foods, however, will help you reach your goals.
- Blueberries – These antioxidant-loaded powerhouses are low in calories, taste great and can be added to your yogurt, smoothies or oatmeal for a tasty snack.
- Low-Fat Dairy – Reduced-fat dairy products, like low-fat milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese are packed with calcium and can boost your metabolism. Studies conducted on women who consume low-fat dairy products found that calcium may actually help with weight loss. For a delicious snack have a bowl of cottage cheese topped with fresh fruit.
- Oatmeal – If you’re looking for an energy-boosting and satisfying food for your diet, you can’t get much better than oatmeal. It’s low in fat and calories and contains the right amount of low-Glycemic carbs. Just make sure you choose steel oats as opposed to the prepackaged kinds that are high in sugar.
- Egg Whites – This part of the egg is low in fat and contains amino acids that help boost the metabolism and maintain lean muscle.
- Dark Green Leafy Vegetables – Vegetables, such as spinach, kale and romaine lettuce, are low in calories and are filled with water, which can help curb your hunger. These vegetables are also loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B and iron, which help aid weight loss.
- Apples – They are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, and are an excellent source of fiber that can help lower your cholesterol levels and keep you feeling full.
- Legumes – Beans, chickpeas, and lentils are all packed with protein and fiber and are low in fat. They help to balance blood sugar levels and leave you feeling full for a longer period of time.
- Citrus fruit – Bright orange and yellow fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is believed to help control cholesterol levels and burn fat.
Tips for Losing Pregnancy Pounds
Being a new mom you’re probably tired and really busy caring for your newborn, which can make losing the baby weight even more difficult. Here are some other quick weight loss tips to help you get your baby weight loss plan underway:
- Start strolling – A simple way to exercise is to take your baby for long walks in the stroller. You can even add some hilly paths to your route to help intensify your workout. If you’re really ambitious, there are even running strollers on the market that are a great way to get in a quick run.
- Keep active – Join a gym or invest in some exercise tapes that you can do at home while your baby is sleeping. The best way to lose the pregnancy weight is to get moving, but it’s important that you ease into an exercise program. Start off slowly and don’t do too much at once. Your body needs to adapt, so you’ll want to give it time to get used to being active.
- Have a diet and exercise journal – You’re busy and don’t have a lot of extra time, but tons of post-pregnancy dieters swear by this simple tip: write down everything you eat. You may not even realize the extra calories you consume by noshing mindlessly, so review your food journal periodically. It might help you identify key trigger times, and will make it easier to stick to your weight loss plan.
- Make healthy eating choices – This isn’t the time to try out the latest crash diet or limit your food intake. Instead, choose healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, chicken, lean meats, and oatmeal. Talk to your doctor about how many calories you’ll need during this time, particularly if you are breastfeeding.
Some common food allergies in adults and children include peanuts, sesame, egg, fish, gluten/wheat, shellfish, soy, sulfite, and tree nuts.
All it takes is patience and determination, and in no time you’ll have your pre-pregnancy body back. The key is to ensure the weight comes off gradually.
Realistically, while following a weight loss plan you shouldn’t be losing any more than two pounds a week if you want to maintain your weight loss for the long term.
Lastly, Before you start any post-pregnancy weight loss plan be sure to consult your doctor.
Try Weight Loss Camps
Weight loss camps have been around for many years, but they continue to grow in popularity around the world. These camps offer intense, targeted weight loss exercise programs combined with strict diets (as opposed to fad diets) to help campers lose weight faster. There are several different types of weight loss camps available, each suited to individual needs.
- Weight loss spas – A weight loss spa is a luxurious weight loss camp set in a picturesque or relaxing setting, often combining exercise programs like yoga and Pilates with massage, weight training and other activities. Gourmet food is often served at a weight loss health spa to help make losing weight more pleasurable.
- Weight loss retreats – Similar to a weight loss spa, a weight loss retreat is designed as a vacation with a specific target. Activities might include more outdoor sports, such as horseback riding and tennis, and the accommodations might be cabins or huts in a forested setting. The emphasis at a weight loss retreat is focused more on exercise than diet.
- Age-specific weight loss camps – Many weight loss camps are distinguished by the age groups to which they cater. An adult weight loss camp, for example, is intended for adults who want to control their weight problems, while teens' weight loss camps are intended for kids between the ages of 12 and 17. The activities will be age-appropriate at these camps, and the counselors available will be trained for that specific age group.
- Weight loss boot camps – If you are looking for an intense, structured weight loss option, a weight loss boot camp might be the solution for you. These weight loss camps are run in a military fashion with "drill sergeants" to keep participants on track. Early mornings, structured meals and intense exercise are all hallmarks of this type of camp.
Preventing the College Ten and Holiday Weight Gain
Numerous studies have shown that many people gain anywhere from five to ten pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The same also applies to those who begin their first year of college.
This year, instead of blindly heading to your next big holiday event or your first semester of college, keep in mind these weight loss tips to help you pace yourself and prevent your dieting efforts from falling by the wayside:
- Exercise – It's easier than you think. For example, instead of using an elevator take the stairs. Join a walking or running club or take the initiative on your own and jog around campus before or between classes. Not only will exercise help you lose weight, but it will also improve your mental focus and concentration.
- Snack healthy – Instead of grabbing fries or a chocolate bar between classes, pack some pre-cut raw veggies, fresh fruit, or yogurt. These choices can help you lose weight and will provide you with more energy than sugary or fatty snacks and will satisfy you longer.
- Learn to say ‘no’ – Friends, family, and loved ones all contribute to making you feel guilty about not eating certain foods. Remind your friends and family that you want to achieve healthy weight loss and you’re not trying to insult them by not eating the foods they so lovingly prepared. Don’t let others deter your weight loss efforts.
- Think quality, not quantity – Instead of grabbing a little bit of everything at a party; choose the one food item you really crave. Whether it’s your aunt’s delectable pumpkin pie or your mom’s creamy mashed potatoes, choose your favorite, savor every last bite and leave it at that. For healthy weight loss, you don’t have to deprive yourself, but rather enjoy your treats in moderation.
Tips to Help Cope With Stress to Prevent Weight Gain
When you’re under pressure your body releases a hormone called adrenaline, which helps it deal with the stress. This hormone increases your energy and temporarily decreases your appetite.
After stress has passed, a hormone called cortisol is released. Cortisol has been linked to an increase in abdominal fat and may also increase your appetite, which can lead to weight gain.
When cortisol levels are raised they stay elevated, and carbohydrate and fat metabolism are stimulated for quick energy. This can cause sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Ever feel like a slice of chocolate cake when you’re stressed? That’s why. When going through stressful situations, you may feel as though you deserve that slice of cake, and really, your body thinks it does too.
You might not be able to control all the stress in your life, but here are a couple of tips to help you deal with it more effectively:
- Stop feeding your addictions – Smoking and drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverage may help some people alleviate stress, but in reality, they contribute to stress levels. These coping mechanisms cause an increase in the level of cortisol in your body, which leads to more stress that in turn affects your blood sugar levels, making you feel even hungrier. That’s not to say you have to cut these vices out completely; you just need to monitor your caffeine and alcohol intake, especially if you want to achieve healthy weight loss.
- Sweat it out – Exercise is a great way to help manage your stress level. It provides a productive means of escaping your stress (temporarily), and it can also bolster your attitude and help you stick to your weight loss plan. Just think of how good you’ll feel after your exercise routine.
- Vitamins are vital – During times of stress, important nutrients such as Vitamins B and C are depleted. These vitamins help you deal with stress and the build-up of stress-related hormones in your body. Restore these nutrients by taking a high-quality multivitamin every day.