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9. Other Conditions
Pregnancy may result in sleep loss due to stress, nausea, discomfort, movements of the baby, and finding comfortable sleeping positon. Hormonal changes, back discomfort and leg pains may negatively impact a woman’s ability to sleep while pregnant as well.
If you are pregnant and suffer from a lack of sleep, contact your health care provider. After giving birth sleep may be interrupted by physical and emotional challenges, as well as frequent waking for baby care.
Many health conditions may result in poor sleep. Mental and emotional issues, pain, cardiac and breathing disorders make sleep difficult for many people. Keeping the underlying conditions under control will lead to improved sleep.
Changes in sleep patterns and their treatments are diverse. Check with your health care provider for further information about causes and treatments.
If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, you might benefit from using sleep aids. There are many options available, so read on to learn more.