Tips for Getting Through Morning Sickness
After the excitement of learning they’re pregnant, many women face the toughest part of early pregnancy – morning sickness.
If you have nausea and vomiting, you are in the throes of it. Take heart that you can get relief.
With a few strategic steps at home, you can get significant relief from morning sickness.
How Can I Manage Morning Sickness at Home?
These tried-and-true treatments have helped many women get relief from morning sickness. While these tips won't completely end the problem, they will help greatly.
- Antihistamines – Doxylamine or dimenhydrinate can help. Your doctor must advise you on those. Some women get relief when taking an antihistamine with vitamin B6.
- Ginger – In powder or capsule form, or grated fresh into hot water for tea. You can also try the crystallized or syrup forms.
- Vitamin B6 – Can regularly be taken with your doctor's approval.
- Acupressure applied on the P6 point – Located on the inner side of your arm, in line with your middle finger and one-sixth of the way between your wrist and elbow.
More tips to minimize morning sickness:
- Keep a little food in your stomach. If your stomach is empty, that can make nausea worse.
- Eat smaller meals. Instead of eating three large meals every day, eat several small meals.
- Eat a small snack (like crackers) before you get out of bed. Allow a few minutes for the snack to digest, then get out of bed slowly.
- Drink a lot of fluids. Try a sports drink, as well as water, juice or broth.
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- Eat extra protein, and cut fatty foods (like French fries).
- Avoid foods and smells that make you feel nauseous. Common culprits include milk, orange juice, coffee, and tea.
- Quit taking iron supplements. Talk to your doctor first.
- Get lots of rest. Stress and fatigue can worsen morning sickness.
Contact your doctor immediately if you vomit more than three times a day or are unable to take fluids, especially if you also have pain, fever, or both.
Severe Morning Sickness
If nausea and vomiting are quickly and persistent, talk to your doctor or nurse-midwife immediately. This complication of pregnancy can lead to dehydration and malnutrition and can require medicine or hospitalization.
What Is Severe Morning Sickness?
A relatively uncommon, severe type of morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition can cause a pregnant woman to become dehydrated and to lose weight.
Causes of severe morning sickness:
- Multiple embryos
- Genetics and family history
Treatment for Severe Morning Sickness
Several treatments help women who have this severe form of morning sickness:
- Medication
- Intravenous (IV) hydration
- Correction of electrolyte abnormalities
- Nutritional support
Women with hyperemesis gravidarum must be hospitalized initially. The condition is typically resolved by about 12 weeks into a pregnancy.
For the majority of women, however, morning sickness is a temporary condition in the early months of pregnancy. They can offset the problem significantly and relatively easily with a few lifestyle changes.