How to Lose Weight in Your 50s
In your 30s and 40s, you began to see the writing on the wall and the extra inches around your stomach. The message was clear – gaining weight is a part of aging.
Now in your 50s, the war against the scale wages on. Unfortunately, with each passing year, it seems you are losing ground and gain pounds.
Put away the white flag and forget about surrender, the war can still be won. By understanding the issues of weight gain in your 50s and employing a group of healthy coping skills, you can slow the progression of age and turn back the numbers of the scale.
Why Do You Gain Weight as You Age?
The reason for gaining weight as you age is not a sophisticated and intricate equation. In fact, it is pretty straightforward.
As you age, your body decreases its ability to burn calories at rest. Fewer calories burned means fewer used for fuel and more stored as fat.
Part of this reduction is hormonal while another part involves your body composition. In your 50s, you have less available muscle mass, and since muscle helps burn fat, you’re less able to get rid of calories.
Another part of the equation is energy output. Older people tend to be less active, which can be related to decreased energy levels or increased issues with injuries or other medical conditions. In either case, energy spent through activity will be lower than in previous decades.
5 Things You Can Do Today to Help You Lose Weight
Well, it looks like there is nothing you can do to fight back against weight gain in your 50s. It seems the pull of nature is too strong, and you should just give up and resign to the added pounds.
Really? No! Giving up only ensures defeat. Instead, plan, prepare and engage in some or all of these coping skills to keep the weight low and the happiness high.
Return to Your Exercise Programs
The first tip is simple. It involves reflecting and returning to the exercise programs that have been successful in the past.
Your previous attempts to manage and maintain your weight were too valuable to cast aside. What worked in the past? What styles of exercise and exercise programs were the best fit for the earlier version of you?
Reflecting on these will offer a natural and comfortable transition back to physical activity. Just be sure to practice some common sense by easing back into your routine rather than trying to pick up right where you left off.
Your 20s were a long time ago, so find modifications to reduce the impact and strain of your activities. Start with shorter times of exercise with less intensity before building up over time.
Try Something New
While you return to exercise from your past, look for physical activities for the present and future. What programs and types of exercise have you always wanted to explore?
A colonoscopy allows your physician to view the inside of your bowel and check for any issues such as inflammation or polyps.
Great options for exercise include:
- Hiking
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Pilates
- Swimming
- Dancing
You might think weight training is only for younger people, but you’d be wrong. Adding some weight lifting into your routine can help maintain and rebuild muscle, which you know is important for weight loss.
Build Your Group
You always can tackle any challenge individually, but the process is more fun and successful when you incorporate a team. Reach out to friends and family members about starting a plan together.
By building a team, you can have others to keep you accountable and on track. Also, you have cheerleaders to help celebrate the achievements.
When gathering your team, be sure to select people who are driven and motivated. They should be able to walk the line between being tough and being kind.
Check Your Intake
Let’s face it. All of the physical activity in the world is not going to make a bit of difference in your weight if you have root beer floats for your post workout drink.
No amount of exercise can counteract and poor diet, take a serious and honest look at your consumption and ask yourself:
- What am I eating?
- When am I eating?
- Why am I eating?
Each of these questions can reveal valuable information and help you learn about your patterns to find ways to adjust in the future.
Of course, don’t forget to inspect your drinking habits. Sugary drinks are notoriously high in sugar and calories.
Target Your Stress
You can never forget about the complicated relationship between stress and weight. The unwanted weight can add stress, and the stress can add weight.
Because of this, one of the best things you can do for your weight is to lower your stress. By putting a focus on happiness, you can cut down on stress eating and rebuild your energy reserves for challenging exercise.
If you find yourself struggling with uncontrollable levels of stress, consult with a mental health expert for help. Improving your mental health can not only improve your stress, but it can boost your physical health as well.
Refuse to be just like every other person in their 50s. Be different by avoiding stress, avoiding injury, and avoiding weight gain.