A man is laying in bed sick with red eyes and a fever, surrounded by numerous tissues and cold medicine
The common cold can come in many forms and has spawned numerous myths ranging from home remedies, how staying inside can reduce your risk, and more.

You Should Avoid Dairy If You Have a Cold

Photo Credit: YekoPhotoStudio / iStockPhoto.com

7. You Should Avoid Dairy If You Have a Cold

There’s a widespread belief that dairy creates more mucus in the body, but experts day this just isn’t so. It can make your phlegm thicker, stickier, and more noticeable as it builds up in your throat and airways (yuck), but it doesn’t encourage your body to make more than it otherwise would.

If you find that your symptoms get a lot worse after consuming dairy products, you might be dealing with a dairy allergy. This sort of allergy isn’t uncommon, and it can bring a host of uncomfortable complications. Colds that frequently turn into sinusitis or ear infections could point to an underlying food allergy that should be investigated further.

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