Many Seasonal Allergies are Related to Pollen
Seasonal allergies, also commonly referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, is a condition that rears its ugly head during the spring season. During this time of year, when all the flowers and plants come in bloom, can bring about a variety of allergies that make people uncomfortable for days, weeks, or months out of the year.
If you are one of the millions of people impacted by seasonal allergies, then it’s time to take back your health by understanding this condition and what your options for treatment consist of.
Common Seasonal Allergies
The most common source for seasonal allergies happens to be ragweed. It grows virtually everywhere and releases pollen from August until November. Mid-September usually experiences the highest levels of ragweed pollen. However, this is not the only source of seasonal allergies. Other common culprits include:
- Tumbleweed
- Russian Thistle
- Burning bush
- Pigweed
- Sagebrush
- Mugwort
- Cocklebur
However, keep in mind that some people’s allergies stem from other places such as certain grasses, trees, or flowers. Any type of plant that emits pollen could be the reason for your seasonal allergies.
It may take some time to identify the exact source, but your doctor will be able to help you start a treatment plan to help you manage some of those pesky symptoms. Proper treatment should help improve your quality of life during these months.
Other Sources for Seasonal Allergies
While many people assume that only pollen sources are the cause of allergies, there are other sources that can trigger them too. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be during the spring season that seasonal allergies occur. Other triggers can include:
- Chlorine
- Campfires
- Insect Bites
- Candy (during Christmas, Halloween, etc.)
- Pine needles/wreaths during holiday months
Virtually, anything that impacts your allergies during certain times of the year could be classified as seasonal allergies.
Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
Unfortunately, seasonal allergies can come with a host of symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include:
- Stuffy nose
- Runny nose
- Cough
- Itchy eyes
- Watery eyes
- Redness
- Inflammation
Of course, the severity of the allergy will determine the severity of the symptoms.
Seasonal Allergy Treatment
Living with seasonal allergies can be extremely uncomfortable. It can make it difficult to eat, breathe, sleep, and participate in normal activities. Anybody who lives with the symptoms knows just how bad it can get during peak months. Fortunately, there are treatment options available. Some of the most common options include:
- Nasal spray
- Antihistamines
- Decongestants
- Prescriptions allergy medications
- Rinsing nasal passageway
If you have a new onset of hunger, or are always hungry and don’t know why, let your health care provider know. They may need to run some blood tests.
There are some preventative tips that you can keep in mind to help reduce your exposure to certain allergens. Such tips include:
- Remain indoors during dry days. After a rainy day tends to be a great time to be outdoors because the pollen in the air has been momentarily washed away.
- Do a quick rinse of your body after you’ve been outdoors.
- Don’t remain in clothing that you’ve worn outdoors.
- Wear a pollen mask to reduce the amount of pollen in your eyes and mouth.
- Avoid allowing your laundry to air dry outside.
- Avoid outside activity in the early morning as this is when the pollen count is usually at its highest.
- Keep an eye on the daily pollen count in your area. Remember to take proper medications if you see that the pollen count is especially high that day. It’s best to combat the symptoms before they begin.
- Remember to keep doors and windows closed when the pollen count is high to reduce the amount of pollen that enters your home.
Doing some of these things can help protect yourself from unnecessary exposure and reduce your symptoms. It may require a bit of effort and planning, but it could make all the difference for your health.
Natural Remedies
Extracts of the shrub butterbur and spirulina have been used for decades to treat seasonal allergies. However, the results of this treatment are unfounded and not based on extensive research. Some people claim to experience relief while others don’t.
This may or may not be a treatment plan that works for you. Be sure to talk to your doctor before using this extract.
Some people claim that acupuncture actually helps relieve the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. While there is not a lot of research to back up this claim, it could be a potential solution. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor before doing it.
The good news is that seasonal allergies are incredibly common and can be treated. However, the symptoms can be absolutely miserable. In fact, some people dread certain times of the year just because of how badly their health is impacted during this time.
If you or someone you know experiences seasonal allergies, it’s important to seek help. Your doctor can help you identify if you do, in fact, have an allergy, and provide you with potential treatment options.