Woman is standing on a sliding scale and determining her weight
Some simple lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure can help you to reduce the amount of medication you need, or even avoid it altogether.

Get Moving

Photo Credit: Halfpoint / iStockphoto.com

5. Get Moving

Exercise helps you to manage your weight, but even more importantly it plays a key role in cardiovascular health. The general recommendation is to work out for 30 minutes each day. Just by using this fitness plan you can lower your blood pressure by 4-9 mmHg, studies suggest.

If you want to avoid boredom, try a combination of exercises. For example you could do high intensity interval training (HIIT), which can be effective even if your workout is only 20 minutes, two or three times per week, and on alternate days do some strength training with weights. Work out with a friend and keep a fitness and diet journal to stay on track.

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