Older gentleman sits with doctor explaining symptoms to him
Most symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be easily managed or prevented by checking your blood sugar levels tested regularly.

Woman is holding her wrist

Photo Credit: Central IT Alliance / iStockphoto.com

5. Weakness, Tingling, and Numbness

Weakness, tingling, and numbness suggest nerve damage caused by excess sugar in the blood. This is most likely if someone’s diabetes has gone unnoticed or uncontrolled over a long period of time. If a single nerve is affected, an arm or leg may feel weak. If many nerves are affected (a condition is known as diabetic polyneuropathy), one may lose sensation in the hands and feet and feel tingling. Others may experience a burning pain in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. If the nerves of the skin are damaged, a person may not sense changes in pressure or temperature.

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